Sunday, July 22, 2007

All That Matters was chosen
BEST OF, again by Rhode Island Monthly!
This time it for "best yogini source".
Here is a photo of me (Joan Dwyer)at the Best of Event and Corina who is holding up the magazine. Corina is the owner of Non Chanlant Mom- who also won a best of!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July ramblings from Joan Dwyer.....

Well, upstairs as All That Matters we have been busy putting the final touches on our fall catalog. It should hit the streets the first week in August. I think Stephanie has done a great job -putting together both the well loved programs and some new ones.... stay tuned. Some classes are all ready posted for fall on the web.
Downstairs at ATM - Chelsea Heffner is creating a mural.
Her artwork also hangs in our library. She had 3 lovely pieces hanging in the hallway - we all grew quite attached to them- and they sold!!!! We were forced to embrace non-attachment. But Chelsea lovingly offered to create an everlasting mural for us before she goes off to Grad school on the west coast. Thanks Chelsea- we will miss you.

I am really looking forward to Gary Renard coming this August I have read both of his books and have to say they have change my life... I know that sounds corny.. but we are talking All That Matters here.

40 days of yoga finished last month and I miss our group. Eating well, meditating and doing yoga everyday will create a lot of shifts and it is so powerful to do it with support of a group!! Our next one is scheduled in September. I figured that is a great time to re-align- before all the holidays kick in.
We will be doing this in conjunction with Philip Urso's studio.
Yoga on the Beach--- had 50 folks a week ago!!! Coral will soon need a microphone! She is away for a month - traveling the world assisting Shiva Rae - I sure she will come back with lots more to offer- if that is possible.

Hope you all are enjoying the sunshine- peace, Joan

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

All That Matters Welcomes
5 New Health Service Practitioners

We offer a selection of professional, holistic health services, 7 days a week, designed to meet your needs. Services include Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, Reflexology, Facials, Reiki, Craniosacral, Life Coaching, Homeopathy and Resonance Repatterning and Holistic Counseling.Whether you want healing support, tension relief, professional care or simply a safe, supportive and confidential environment in which to unfold your own healing abilities, you will find it here.

Massage Therapist, Joe Swinski, Kelly Carpenter, Patti Buchanan

Reflexologist, Jessica Wolke

Acupuncturist, Seth Bock

for bio's on our stafff click here

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a timeless, sophisticated and elegant system of healing. Subtle and yet powerful; the combined modalities of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbalism, Nutritional Therapy and Qi Gong rebalance our physiology at a core level. This multifaceted system works on many levels, from the spiritual to the purely physical. Whether youre suffering from musculoskeletal pain, a common cold, or a chronic ailment Dr. Seth Bock is committed to helping you attain your health goals in a supportive and natural way. For more about Dr Bock visit