Honoring the Lotus Flower with the Arrival of Spring
The Lotus Flower is a sacred symbol embodying infinite potential, renewal, transformation, and new beginnings. We are here to help you discover these attricutes in your self and daily life!
Transform your day or night with the power fo light!
This decorative lotus tea light holder renders a beautiful reflection and flow,
illuminating the room with a warm and inviting energy.
Purchase one, get a second at 30%off!
If you haven't already, begin using recyclable bags for your groceries and shopping needs. We are proud to carry Envirosax eco-friendly bags. These bags are lightweight, portable, waterproof and each one holds the equivalent of two supermarket plastic bags thanks to reinforced seams!
The cd album we are showcasing from March 30 - April 10 is Sadhana by Maneesh de Moor. 10%off this album! Awaken your spirit with a sacred journey through sound and vision - very global, very ambeint, meditative yet pulsating with gentle rhythm.