Did you know?
That every Tuesday at 7pm and every Friday at 7:30am there are free Weekly Group Meditations? This was born from our 40 day program where we have been teaching that meditating with others is great way to anchor your practice and effect change. So now we are holding space for that. Consider joining in whenever you can.We also added a few yoga classes a 6pm Friday and 12 noon Thursday hot power hour!
And to stay hip with times we now have a twitter special each week we post on twitter and facebook and our website 2 class you can take for half price ($7.50).
This weekend is Sampler day and we have a number of great programs … but not many folks registered if you know anyone you would like to turn onto ATM or want a day retreat yourself please consider joining us. .
Lastly the Fall 40 day program begins Sept 30 with a free talk Wed Sept23. Please pass this on to anyone who you think would gain from it. All past 40 day or 21 day folks do get $50 off if they choose to come on board again!.
Curious about the Raw Food Diet... we have a weekend workshop with Berrnadette Penotti trainer to the stars .. Oct 2/3 on the topic!