Thursday, February 18, 2010

This Year All That Matters is proud to welcome two outstanding individuals who have inspired thousands!

Coming in March: Passion in Action:
Rumi and Sacred Activism with Andrew Harvey

Join Andrew, a renowned Rumi scholar, mystical teacher and novelist, to experience his vision of Sacred Activism rooted in the poetry of Rumi and sacred practices of the major mystical traditions.
Take a look as Andrew explains more about sacred activism.
And be sure to look for Andrew's book The Hope in our store!
Coming in April: Transformational Healing
with Mirabai Devi
Mirabai is a confuit for healing, an author and an international spiritual teacher who is recognized as having attained enlightenment. This workshop with Mirabai is an opportunity to do deep inner work in a safe and confidential enviornment.

Click here to listen to some interviews with Mirabai to learn more about her!

And be sure to grab a copy of Mirabai's book Samadhi or any of her cds at our store!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Krishna Das has put out a new book! Copies are available at the Store, along with other Krisha Das Cds
Chants of a Lifetime
Searching for a Heart of Gold
This book offers an intimate collection of stories, teachings, and insights from Krishna Das, who has been called "the chant master of American Yoga". This candid, lively and helpful guide to the path that opens the heart is an instant spiritual classic.
This book includes a CD for personal chanting practice with Krishna Das

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thank you for all who participated in
our Monthly Community Yoga Class!

This month we collected over 84lbs of food
to be donated to the Jonnycake Center of PeaceDale!!

Let's see if we can collect even more for our next class Feb 28th!

please visit for more information on how you can help.