Friday, January 25, 2008

What is Sound Healing?
Sound Healing, as the name implies, is the use of sound to create balance and alignment in the physical body, the energy centers called "chakras", and/or the etheric fields. The sound may be applied by an instrument or by the human voice.
The use of sound as a healing modality dates back to the earliest cultures, when the shaman chanted and drummed to heal people. In the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Greece, India, and other centers of knowledge, the use of sound and music for healing was a highly developed sacred science. Today sound healing is in the forefront of alternative therapies. More and more people are finding relief from sound therapy from stress, anxiety, pain, depression and much more.

This weekend at All That Matters we have 2 exciting workshops to experience the powerful benefits of sound to balance and open the chakras. Read below for details.
In addition, once a month we offer Sunday Chanting Meditation and the popular Gong Bath Meditation Circles on the third Friday.

Remember that you carry with you at all times your own sound healing tool- your voice. So shift your vibration with a good belly laugh or whistle a happy tune, sing in the shower or car and most of all remember to take time to BREATHE!

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