Monday, May 23, 2011

Looking for a little advice, pick me-up or just another reason to feel inspired?

Besides the wonderful words of our yoga teachers, we've got some great new "daily" books in the store, from positive affirmations to ways to the save the Earth. We would love to share some excerpts for you now~

From: 365 Ways to Save the Earth

Use heat for weeding. You can sidpense with chemical herbidie, for example, by using heat: Pour boiling water on the weeds. The weeds darken almost immediately and turn brown withing a few hours, much like the effect of a contact herbicide, but there is no toxic residue and the area is immediately safe for children.

From: Wisdom - 365 Throughts from Indian Masters
You have to stand against the whole world although you may hav eto stand alone. You have to stare the world in the face although the world may look at your with a bloodshoot eye. Do not fear. Trust that little thing in you which resides in the heart and says: forsake friends, wife, all, but testify to that for which you have lived and for which you have to die.-Mahatma Gandhi

From: 365 Tao-Daily Meditations
Be still to know the absolute.

Be active to know the outer.

The two spring from the same source,

all of life is one whole.

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