They say patience is a virtue. Which is true, with virtue meaning a commendable quality or trait, and especially in these times. And as much as we may all commend patience how often are we ourselves practicing it? I believe patience is more than a virtue, it's an aspiration, a goal, and as scholars would say, a compaion to wisdom. Ironically enough we learn over time to aquire patience. We are tried and tested everyday with patience, and coming from a society that is displayed and tempted with drive thrus, instant coffee, high speed internet, and botox (just to name a few) a sense of patience and restoration is needed more than ever.
Breathing exercise for patience..
Breathing exercise for patience..
Inhale to the count of 4, exhale to the count of six. Slowly start increasing your numbers. Example: inahle to 6, exhale to 8. This breathing exercise helps reduce blood pressure and induces state of peace and relaxation.
We may find this true to our practice on the mat as well. Ego can sometimes run high in yoga as we scan the room and wonder and gawk on how and why someone can so easily practice an asana that we might not be able to conquer. But we think to our own bodies, we think of patience and we know that over time we will find the answers or find our own form of practice that is satisfying and true. Don't forget, one persons mastered asana can be another persons arch enemy. Our bodies are all shaped differently, from bone structure to tender fascia, we are what we are. So please let us remember the reason yoga has come around, asanas are preparing the body for meditation. Mediation takes great patience and ease to lead us to samadhi. Samadhi is the ultimate state of bliss. And eternal bliss seems like the best virtue of all..
“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” ~Proverb.
“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” ~Proverb.
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