Friday, February 17, 2012

Workshop Trilogy Connects Humans with Animals

South Kingstown - February 15, 2012 - All That Matters, 315 Main Street, Wakefield, RI is pleased to announce the upcoming arrival of Danielle MacKinnon, expert in animal communication and animal healing. Three great programs will be offered beginning March 2, 2012; the first is called Is Your Pet Trying To Tell You Something. This program explores why pets have chosen to come into our lives, and how we can become better human beings with them.
Learn how intuitive animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon deciphers what our pets are trying to tell us through traits and misbehaviors, and what to do when we realize that an issue has arisen. Danielle will also offer animal readings to some participants. Danielle can communicate with deceased or living pets of any species. Visit for ways to prepare. This program will run from 7 to 9 pm and costs $35.00.
The second program, Beginning Animal Communication, is an interactive course that will explore telepathic communication with animals. Participants will learn how to identify an animal's illnesses by feeling it in their own body. They'll find out how to delve deeply into a pet's personal connection with its human, in order to discover what's really going on there while learning how to understand what changes the pet would like to make in its own life - changes with which its owner might be able to assist. Danielle will also teach you about Soul Contracts, the mode of communication pets use to help their humans become the best they can be. By the end of class, participants will have communicated telepathically with at least three animals! This class runs Saturday, March 3, 2012 from 9am-12pm; this class cost $65.00.
Finally, join Danielle for Animal Energy Healing on March 3, 2012 from 2 to 5pm. Students will explore the physical and energy bodies of the animal. They'll learn how to discern healthy energy versus unhealthy energy; how to use their hands and Universal energy to help move energy toward health; how to rebuild, remove, and replace energies that are no longer serving the animal, whether an animal is in the room with them or on the other side of the world. Students will work on several animals during class, and gain an entirely new perspective and relationship with the dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds, ferrets, snakes, goats, and other animals in their life - for the rest of your life. This program costs $65.00; combine all three of Danielle MacKinnon's animal communication classes for discounted price of $149.00.
Danielle MacKinnon is an internationally known Soul Contract Intuitive, Animal Intuitive and Intuitive Coach, recently named one of Bob Olson's "Top 10 Best Psychic Mediums." Using Soul Contracts as a foundation, she offers a fresh perspective on working deeply with pets, relationships, developing intuition, and spiritual growth. Danielle has been highlighted in newspapers, magazines, webzines, and radio shows, and her client base spans the globe. She was most recently featured in John Holland's new book Spirit Whisperer and in Elevated Existence magazine, and she has taught at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY with colleagues Colette Baron-Reid, Robert Ohotto, and John Holland.

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