Monday, July 29, 2013

Massage Therapist Mairead Hardiman

With her influences rooted in Yogic Philosophy, Mairéad's practice of massage is a mediation in motion; honoring the intrinsic presence of body, mind, and spirit with compassion, through breath, intention and sacred touch. Authentic and deeply nurturing in her approach, she weaves an array of ancient and innovative techniques drawing on elements of Ayurveda, Lomi Lomi, Myofacial Meridian and Crystal therapies.

Mairéad has attended and assisted trainings at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health since 2009. She is a certified Kripalu Massage Therapist (500hr) and Yoga Teacher (200hr). She lives in the woods of Arcadia in Exeter, RI and spends her days immersed in the natural world. A record collector, animal lover, herbalist and gardener, Mairéad finds joy in being a healthy human with an enchanted spirit.

Mairéad's specialities include:
·    Working as deeply or lightly as needed to access your healing energy within.
·     Working with Crystals, Sound, and other vibrational essences to align the subtle bodies of energy (Koshas) and encourages the use of Breath (Prana) as a tool for increasing physical awareness and integration of your whole being.

Mairéad (rhymes with parade) works at All That Matters:
·        Tuesdays. 2:45-7:15pm
·        Thursdays. 9:00am-2:00pm
·        Fridays. 9:00am-2:00pm

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