Monday, March 30, 2009

Honoring the Lotus Flower with the Arrival of Spring

The Lotus Flower is a sacred symbol embodying infinite potential, renewal, transformation, and new beginnings. We are here to help you discover these attricutes in your self and daily life!

Transform your day or night with the power fo light!
This decorative lotus tea light holder renders a beautiful reflection and flow,
illuminating the room with a warm and inviting energy.
Purchase one, get a second at 30%off!

Create a new beginning!
If you haven't already, begin using recyclable bags for your groceries and shopping needs. We are proud to carry Envirosax eco-friendly bags. These bags are lightweight, portable, waterproof and each one holds the equivalent of two supermarket plastic bags thanks to reinforced seams!

The cd album we are showcasing from March 30 - April 10 is Sadhana by Maneesh de Moor. 10%off this album! Awaken your spirit with a sacred journey through sound and vision - very global, very ambeint, meditative yet pulsating with gentle rhythm.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Celebrate the Color Green !
In Honor or St. Paddys Day, as well as the beautiful spring weather, let’s celebrate all that is green (and save some green as well!)
Get lucky, save on a Bucky!
Heats in the microwave, or chills in the freezer.
Cold nights, sore muscles, aching heads or icy name it, Bucky Hotties to the rescue! Premium whole buckwheat seed filling. Machine washable cover.
Come on in and save 10% on our Bucky Neck and Body wraps.

Want to show off your support for St. Paddy’s day or Green living? Come in to check out the new Spring Prana line! Featuring the Delaney Tank Top in Green Apple. This tank is made from certified
organic cotton. With almost all Prana tops/bottoms made from recycled content, you can look and feel beautiful inside and out.

The cd album we are showcasing from March 16—23 is
Effortless Relaxation by Steven Halpern.
Evoke your natural “relaxation response” and reduce stress immediately and effectively with the pleasing variety of instruments on this album.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

We always love to visit OOP! when in Providence and now they are in South County too! They are sponsoring a raffle each month here at All That Matter and all you have to do to win a $50 gift card is stop in and fill out a ticket at our front desk (one per month)!!!
this summer they will be offering children's art class Wednesdays from 9:15- 11 from parents who want to go to yoga...stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mini- Boot Camp
This Saturday March 7th
all proceeds will go to support the Africa Yoga Project.
I am teaching a 3.5 hour Baptiste Bootcamp-style class a week from Saturday at All That Matters. These classes are sweaty, fun, challenging and surprisingly invigorating. Salt Pond Yoga and All That Matters are donating all proceeds from this class to The Africa Yoga Project. Lisa and I are going to East Africa with Baron and other Baptiste Teachers in April to offer a Teacher Training there. It is organized by Baptiste Teacher Paige Elenson, who is the founder of Africa Yoga Project. We will teach Yoga in the slums of Nairobi; we will visit with the Massai families; and we will hold a free 5-day teacher training for local Kenyans. We are all donating our time and expenses. However, a small part of your donation goes towards our local travel in Kenya; the rest directly to the Africa Yoga Project.We hope you will support this effort by attending this Baptiste Bootcamp class. Click here to register
Thanks... Philip Urso