Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Looking out for your health, so you can enjoy every moment of these long summer days:)
Besides Yoga, these snacks boost energy...

Super Snacks: 5 Best Snacks for Energy
Find out which snacks to reach for next time you need a burst of energy.
Almonds are packed with a potent combination of energy-enriching nutrients, including manganese, vitamin E, magnesium, tryptophan, copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and phosphorus. Magnesium has been called a miracle mineral because of its multifunctional capabilities: In addition to being an essential part of more than 300 biological processes, magnesium aids in the production of energy, supports the immune system, improves sleep patterns, relaxes muscles, relieves stress and anxiety, and boosts mood.
Yogurt is full of calcium, phosphorus, protein, tryptophan, molybdenum, and zinc. It's also a great source of vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B12 (cobalamin). Thanks to its liquid-like state, the nutrients in yogurt are assimilated quickly and easily during digestion, which means you get an immediate boost of energy. Yogurt's high protein content means that energy also has staying power.
Pineapple is one of summer's most popular fruits simply because it's so delicious. But if you want more reasons, look no further: A rich source of manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B1 (thiamin), copper, fiber, and vitamin B6, this juicy fruit is a super snack for fueling energy.
Whole wheat snacks
Whole grains—especially whole wheat—are full of essential nutrients that energize both body and brain, including fiber; manganese; magnesium; iron; protein; carbohydrates; and vitamins B1, B2, and B3. Whole wheat is loaded with energizing B vitamins, which
fight fatigue, maintain energy levels, stabilize blood sugar, improve sleep patterns, coordinate nerve and muscle activity, and boost mood.
Edamame, or boiled soybeans, are a great pick-me-up because they're easy to make, easy to transport, and fun to eat right out of the shell. Soybeans are full of nutrients that contribute directly to a boost in energy as well as mood.
Have you seen our new Video: Mastering the Basics with Coral Brown?! Learn proper alignment techniques and postures to create a smooth and powerful practice.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just saw and loved this rug...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yes it is true. Shiva Rea is coming to RI. Thanks to Coral Brown. She will be here July 8th and we have already sold 75% of the available spaces...please register soon to have mat space. And do bring your mat and if possible car pool...it will be at the Jamestown Rec. Click here to register.

Monday, May 17, 2010

“May the sun lay like a friendly arm across your shoulder”

Soak up the sun, soak in the vitamin D.
Here at ATM we are always promoting health and wellness, and how holistic healing can be consider preventative medicine. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium from food and is essential in the formation of bones. Research also suggests that Vitamin D can help reduce the risks of colon, breast and prostate cancer. So consider taking your next practice outside, but be mindful how much sun you may be soaking in, we don’t want you to look lobsterish…:)

Check out Shiva Rea’s Daily Energy DVD! Restore energy, strength, and balance every day. Offering seven 20-minute practices, this program will help you fit yoga into your busy life every day without having to repeat a workout.

For the ultimate outdoor, frolicking, soaking up sun look—try on one of our new Mata Traders Dresses!
Mata Traders is all fair trade clothing and accessories hand-made in India by women's
cooperatives and artisan groups. Livable wages, good working conditions, no assembly line factory production -- that's what you're getting when you buy Mata Traders.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Prana Spring Collection is here at The Store @ All That Matters!
If you haven't browsed through already, be sure to stop in for these fantastic finds..

The Prana Brand ~ PrAna is an ancient Sanskrit word for breath, life and vitality of the spirit. Prana is honored to borrow this name to lift our aspirations and guides us towards a positive vision for the future.