Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Helping Haiti

Most of us by now have heard of the devastation in Haiti due to a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit the county about 2 weeks ago. Help for Haiti is very much still needed. There are hundred of thousands of people without food, water, shelter, bathrooms, clothing..etc.

We here at All That Matters encourage anyone and everyone to help to aid the people of Haiti anyway they can.

We support the following relief agencies in their efforts to assist the recovery process in Haiti. If you would like to donate please click a link below to find out how.

Partners in Health www.standwithhaiti.org/haiti

The Red Cross ://www.redcross.org/

Doctors without Borders http://doctorswithoutborders.org/index.cfm

Also consider joining one of these classes. Each teacher is donating 20% of their proceeds to Haiti earthquake relief and All That Matters is matching these donations dollar for dollar.

Angelspeake on January 30th http://www.allthatmatters.com/classView.cfm?classID=29&insID=552

Writing in the Zone on February 28th http://www.allthatmatters.com/classView.cfm?classID=480&insID=351

Thank you for all your support!!

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