Monday, September 19, 2011

Winds of Change/ Breathing Exercise

Can you feel it in the air? The chillness... the winds of change have arrived. And yes they may just be the winds of autumn, but what will you make of it? Will you bundle up and retreat? Or will you adventure and fly a kite? Maybe a little of both. You will find that either option will be right for YOU. Listen to your body, balance your mind, and seek within to find your answer.
"When you don't go within, you go without.."- Yogi Bhajan.

And speaking of winds, according to the Chinese Five Element Theory, autumn is linked to the lungs. We take in something new with each inhale and eliminate what is not serving us as we exhale. Consider taking time within your day to really BREATHE. Dirgha (also known as three part breath) can compliment these transitioning days nicely. Start by focusing the breath in your abdominal region and stomach. Feel it inflate and deflate with every breath. Next the breath will move up into your lungs, where they will expand and contract with every breath. Finally the breath reaches up under the collar bone and into the throat for a sense of opening. Now combine all three elements with just the inhale. The inhale will start in the belly, then rise into the lungs and finally peak under the collar bone. Your exhale will bring a sense of release and detoxification.

For more on breathing, try Chris Belanger's class: Introduction to Yogic Breathing on Oct 1, here at
All That Matters!

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