Saturday, May 25, 2013

Calling all 40 Day Graduates

Welcome to spring! As life outdoors is coming into bloom and more fresh veggies and fruits are available, I am thinking of you all and am so appreciative of the 40-days we all experienced together. 

In anticipation of All That Matters' 20th anniversary (2015), and because I have just started writing a book to support the All That Matters 40 Days program, I invite you to answer a couple of questions if you'd like to share your journey with me and others. (We'll include your stories - with or without your name, whatever you prefer - on our new website and in the 40 Days book.)

1) How was 40 Days for you? What brought you to the program in the first place? What impact did it have on your life both during the program and after graduation? 
2) What was the most powerful or significant part of the program for you?
3) Do you have suggestions about how we could make the program even better?

Email me anytime - preferably in the next month or so - at  

I just came across this quote from Matthew Sanford that perfectly articulates our purpose in offering the All That Matters 40 Days program:

"Connecting the mind and body is not just a health strategy. It is a movement of consciousness that can change the world." 

Here's to your health and to world-changing consciousness!

I look forward to hearing from you,

p.s. The next 40 days begins May 29th...if you know anyone who can use an inner revolution. 

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