Monday, October 17, 2011

Finding Balance

Lets look to the leaves this week for some inspiration shall we?

Right now it seems as though in certain areas of the state the fall foliage is at it's peak of greatness (color, quality and warmth) and yet other areas have begun their journey into winter.

How can these transitions guide us through life? Here is my take on some autumn delights.

When the leaves are at their best it encourages me to also let myself shine. Maybe I can finally finish that project I have been chipping away at or have even better putting off. Maybe I can dive deeper into my practice, whether yoga or meditation, to really tap into my own natural state to see how far I can go or observe how far I've come. Maybe I'm already there, happy and content with my present being and just want to share that with as many as I can. Walk around with that glowing look, share my colorful self with others and inspire them to find their "peak".

A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. ~Author Unknown

When the leaves start to descend, they encourage me to slow down.

Maybe I will let go of certain judgements or worries that have plagued my mind. Maybe I should release myself from fear and's time to explore new options, surroundings, challenges and ideas. A leaf falling could mean a sense of freedom rather than a sadness. Maybe it will remind me to return to the earth-through an environmental approach. Maybe I should consider how much trash I really throw out, or what I could do to reduce my environmental footprint. Maybe a leaf falling just means I need to become more grounded, maybe it simply means I need to relax..and stop asking myself all these questions.

Either way you look at it, I hope you can find some inspiration in it. The only thing constant is change...If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit

And if your not an outdoorsy person....maybe yoga will help:)

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