Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Meditation beneficial in creating change

Everyday through my newsfeed I receive new articles published the positive effects of yoga and meditation. It is exciting that science is validating what many have known for thousands of year. This research is making these disciplines more accessible and valid to millions. Nikki passed on these articles today. I look forward to a world where everyone meditates and does a bit of yoga!

"...these results are consistent with the overarching hypothesis that meditation may result in enduring, beneficial changes in brain function, especially in the area of emotional processing." Read the entire article here.

"Scientists are taking advantage of new technologies to see exactly what goes on inside the brains of Buddhist monks and other so-called "Olympian" meditators — individuals who meditate intensively and regularly. The neuroscientists hypothesize that regular meditation actually alters the way the brain is wired, and that these changes could be at the heart of claims that meditation can improve health and well-being" Listen to the entire NPR audio clip here.

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